What is Agriculture Consulting?

What is agribusiness and farming consulting? What problems does agricultural consulting help to solve? What is it like and what is it for?

In this photo our industrial poultry farm Project in Hungary, Europe

Consulting services in agriculture, agribusiness and food production need for reducing risks, increasing profitability and efficiency!

In this photo our survey of oil winter canola field. Survey and audit of agricultural business it is part of work of agriculture business consultant that give possibility to understanding ways to business improvement.
Photo © Dr. Oleksii Orlov 

What is Agriculture Consulting?

Agriculture Consulting (agricultural consulting services, agribusiness consulting, agricultural consulting, agriculture consultancy services, agribusiness consulting services) - is professional advising in the fields of agriculture and agricultural business, growing crops, livestock, aquaculture, agricultural logistics (by road, sea and rail), storage and processing of grain and agricultural products, as well as processing industry related to agriculture, professional, expert advice and activities for advising owners, farmers and farm managers of agricultural business or agricultural companies on a wide range of questions in the field of management, business planning, optimization of operations, financial, commercial, legal, technological, technical and expert activities.

In this photo - technical audit survey banana plantation in Turkey. Data that obtained in time of such works give possibility create good expert Recommendations for Business Improvement and Stable Development! Photo © Dr. Oleksii Orlov 

In case of good management - agriculture it is a stable and profitable production. But for obtaining of good profit from agricultural business need know how!

Because this business significant more difficult and not possible to control all factors as in industrial production at a plant for example! 

As in agribusiness, present not controlled factors actions - climate, pests and others. And for obtaining of good results in agriculture need the good consulting from professionals that see all aspects of successful agricultural business around the World!

The purpose of Agricultural Consulting Service is to help for management and owners of agribusiness in the management system, management in achieving their goals and for creation of new business and improvement of existing business. In this photo - our Farm Management Service for 1100 hectare (2718 acre) Farm in Ukraine. Farm located in strong continental climate conditions with drought and hot summer and cold winter.  Sometimes there are frosts -35°C (-31°F) winter and heat + 45°C (113°F) summer time. Photo © Dr. Oleksii Orlov 

In addition, consulting helps to develop agribusiness management system, which helps to remove managerial pressure to owners and management of agricultural companies and farmers.

Also, one from the main goals of agriculture consulting is to create a modern and competitive business on the international market and to obtain additional profit and reduce costs in crops production and in any other form of agrarian activity. 

Climate changes, which has already taken place, significantly increases the risks for agriculture and food production. Either heavy rains and flooding, or drought. The changes are different everywhere, and agriculture consultancy services can help farmers do business successfully in such an environment. Photo © Dr. Oleksii Orlov 

Agricultural Consulting Service is advising in the field of agriculture, aquaculture and food production on a wide range of questions in the areas of management, financial, legal, technological, technical, provided by external independent consultants to solve a practical problems for creation of new business and improvement of existing business. Photo © Dr. Oleksii Orlov 

Types of Agribusiness Consulting

  • Agriculture Strategy Consulting is a set of measures and actions to develop promising directions for sustainable development of a business, industry or a specific enterprise, based on a study of the current situation, market conditions, and development potential - that is, the entire range of external and internal factors influencing the creation of a sustainable development strategy. Agriculture Strategy Consulting determines the current situation, goals, means used and ways to achieve the goals. Based on this, a Strategic Development Program and plans for its implementation can be developed. The solution of strategic development issues by the forces of the company's own personnel has one important disadvantage - the difficulty of obtaining an objective assessment, due to the personal interest of personnel in choosing a particular development strategy. An objective assessment of the current situation, assessment of opportunities and the successful future development of the company can only be offered by an external independent consultant who has no personal interest in the customer's company.
  • Agriculture Management Consulting Services are a form of activity aimed at improving management and doing business, developing an industry or a company
  • Operational Consulting is the process of providing professional services to various types of businesses, individuals and organizations, to assess the current state of their internal processes and strategies, aimed at increasing overall efficiency
  • Consulting for business optimization (optimization of business processes) is a procedure aimed at improving business efficiency and profitability, getting rid of components that do not contribute to the achievement of goals, simplifying business processes, reducing time costs, and reducing risks

One of main tasks of Agriculture Consulting Service is to analyze, substantiate the prospects for the development and use of the most advanced scientific, technical and economic solutions, taking into account the subject field of business and customer requirements. In this photo our agriculture consulting work for growing of business efficiency in modern 20 ha greenhouse. Photo © Dr. Oleksii Orlov 

What are the benefits of  Agriculture Consulting?

  • Increases profitability and helps to generate additional profit
  • Makes it possible to simplify work and business management
  • Helps to save time
  • Allows you to compare successful business with global market leaders
  • Allows you to develop and successfully implement new projects
  • Allows you to increase capitalization and business image
  • Increases business efficiency
  • Reduces risks
  • Gives uncial advantages
  • Other directions...

Agricultural Consulting Service can consist in the constant technological support of companies and farmers. Agriculture business consultant give independent solutions that very important! In photo our work in large scale Farm that have about 558 thousand hectares (1,38 million acres) in Ukraine. But large agricultural enterprises not always effective and for their improvement need independent agriculture management consulting services. Photo © Dr. Oleksii Orlov 

Agricultural Consulting Service it not only field works and analytics - it is also training and advising of farmers and agronomists. Photo © Dr. Oleksii Orlov 

What are Agribusiness Consulting Companies?

Agribusiness Consulting Companies are companies specializing in the provision of agribusiness consulting services. They often specialize in certain areas of activity (for example - crop production, livestock, IT and GPS - equipment monitoring, financial, land, personnel, organizational, strategic, technology consulting).

Agriculture Consulting Company can providing services in forecasting and research of various agricultural markets (know-how, licenses, goods) and services in developing business plans, business models, marketing programs, preparing expert opinions on a variety of problems, assessing business with point of view of economic geography and analyze the trade and political conditions and their impact on business, help expand business and develop business abroad, in different countries. 

Our Planet have different climate and different soils and ways of food productions always will be different. Our agricultural business consultants help of produce food in different climate - in cold, dry and desert! In this photo our Project in Central Asia, Kazakhstan. Here we provide service that help 67 000 hectares (165 561 ac) Farm improve their business in dry and cold conditions 

What is International Agriculture Consulting?

International Agriculture Consulting - it is the provision of a wide range of consulting services in the field of international agrarian business consulting. International Agriculture Consulting consult to companies and private individuals operating globally or wishing to organize business overseas.

International Agriculture Consulting includes partnership and trust business relations that help to identify and reveal the true potential of business, as well as to discover and realize new, previously unused opportunities in new countries and new regions. 

International Agriculture Consulting usually works in such directions:

  • Assistance to individuals and companies in start up business abroad / in different countries
  • Assistance and consulting to international organizations and the state and state structures
  • Assistance to companies and individuals in acquiring business abroad / in different countries (this can be different types of business: land assets, farms, large companies, recreational complexes, ships, aquacultural farms for fish production, etc.) and investing in competitiveness and development of such business
  • Organizational and legal support of companies abroad / in different countries
  • Assistance to private individuals and foreign companies in the implementation of investment projects in the territories of different countries (including the examination of the project and the selection of partners)
  • Assistance to foreign companies in conducting business in different countries
  • Assessment of the reliability of potential foreign partners
  • Trust management of foreign business
  • ONLINE and Offline services
  • Other directions...

Due to the fact that agriculture consulting service provided by INDEPENDENT experts and consultations are carried out by those who do not sell goods and resources, pesticides, machinery and others - you can save very significant money, as since you will solve the problem in the cheapest, simplest and most effective way! 


Agriculture consulting for food production in drought an desert climatic conditions will help produce agricultural products in time of climate changes! Photo © Dr. Oleksii Orlov 

International Agriculture Consulting is very important, as any modern business (including agrarian business), in today's World, constantly requires global integration.

At a certain stage of development, business owners are faced with the issue of expanding, investing in new areas of activity and the need for capital and business to enter international markets.

Or they limit the investment of capital within the framework of their own region and have, in such a case, some geographical risks and business limitations.

The experience of successful companies in various business areas (including agrarian) shows that without the use of global integration, it is not possible to obtain high profits and ensure the reliability of investments, and to develop a successful business.

International Agriculture Consulting is most in demand by private individuals and companies aimed to efficient and reliable placement of capital and management of activities in the context of modern globalization.

International Agriculture Consulting helps to create business abroad, to invest correctly in buying business in different countries or to enter the international market. 

Agriculture consulting experts have wide range positive experience and help solve not typical problems as in photo - interaction of cold and heavy rain moisture weather with herbicide interaction with soil condition at wheat field. Expert give best independent consultation that significant save money and time 

When need consulting in food industry, aquacultural or agricultural business?

  • Owners of the farm or agrarian company have a desire to optimize the business, reduce costs or get more profit. This applies to both a profitable and a well-performing business, as can always look at the business with a fresh perspective and suggest positive improvements!
  • The owners of the agrarian company want to optimize business activities in such a way as to get more free time for themselves or reduce the time spent on business management
  • Optimization of land bank
  • Establishment of agricultural holdings companies
  • Management of large agricultural holdings companies and optimization of their activities with a view to increasing profits
  • Increasing the market value of agribusiness
  • Audit, Evaluation and Due Diligence of new companies and farms before purchase
  • Construction of new farms and production facilities
  • Owners of an agrarian company want to create agribusiness at the highest international level
  • The agrarian company needs fresh ideas. Even if you have an up-to-date agribusiness - fresh ideas and an out-of-the-out look will be very useful
  • The agrarian company needs experience and knowledge
  • Independent verification and audit of new business with its purchase or with the expansion of a land bank
  • In the management of an agrarian company there is no agreement on an important issue, and an external opinion is required to obtain objective advice
  • Optimization of technologies in crops growing, orchards and greenhouses
  • Checking the correctness of the technologies and technological operations
  • The desire to find the optimal technological solution in specific local soil-climatic conditions
  • The agrarian company needs help to creation, independent expert estimation or complete a Project
  • Audits, monitoring of fields, production assets, warehouse balances and equipment and independent inspections
  • Due to the shortcomings of internal corporate communications, for the agrarian company or for investors needs an independent specialist capable of becoming a link between the levels and divisions
  • When it is necessary to restore order in land issues - to optimize the lands bank
  • When it is necessary to invest with the greatest advantage financial funds or write a business plan or plan a strategic development
  • And in many other cases...

If invest some profit to Agriculture consultancy it possible obtain additional profit, growing efficiency and reducing risks! In photo our Project for olives plantation monitoring in Turkey. Photo © Dr. Oleksii Orlov 

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© Agricultural Consulting Service. Technical audit of agribusiness. Agricultural business projects and agricultural companies turnkey. Agribusiness consulting. Increasing the profitability of the agricultural business, obtaining additional profits

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