The Blue Revolution or how modern innovations are changing aquaculture?

In what directions and how is modern aquaculture developing?
What innovations enable the aquaculture industry to compete successfully?...


Oleksii Orlov

MSc, PhD

I'm fisherman and I like fishing and fish :-).

I live near the sea with my family in Bergen, Norway. And here there is salmon. But even here, it is very rare to catch salmon. 

Therefore, I am always pleased to enjoy of good and fresh salmon from an aqua farm. And it's all thanks to aquaculture.

Although I have extensive experience in onshore agriculture and fish farming, researches and project management and business development, it was new and interesting for me to explore the ocean and discover modern marine aquaculture.

This article takes a fresh look at this industry and innovations in aquaculture!

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Everyone has heard about the “green revolution” - a significant increase in food production, thanks to the introduction of innovations and doubling the yield of field crops in the world, thanks to which it became possible to overcome hunger in India, Indonesia and China.

But not all pay attention to the fact that now we are lucky to live in the era of the next revolution in food production, in the era of the “blue revolution” - the time of intensive development of aquaculture!

And the development of this aquaculture industry is stimulated by innovations, modern technologies and advanced solutions that help to obtain high yields of fish, shrimp, shellfish and other aquatic organisms and seafood, as well as form one of the most important industries for the future production of marine protein in the World.

In this article we look at the main innovations and trends in aquaculture!

Salmon aquaculture, created in Norway, has already become a classic. On the picture - сlassic sea farm in Norway. But what about development? What are the useful innovations and prospects for aquaculture?

Why is innovations in aquaculture more important than for agriculture? Yes, they are more important for business management because such “underwater” production is more difficult to control. For example, you can “touch” a sunflower plant in a field, you can watch a cow, but you can’t see fish underwater, and in order to see what is happening underwater, you need at least to have good underwater equipment or an underwater video camera and the ability to stream video.

Picture: Dr. Oleksii Orlov

Access to the open sea and to land

Where to place the new fish farm? After all, all good places in the fjords are already taken? How to find new opportunities for business? Globalization, additional business or going to the open sea and to land?
Good location - key point for business success. Sea ​​trout farm in Arna, Sørfjorden near Bergen, Norway.

Picture: Dr. Oleksii Orlov

Picture source: NASA Space Place

Water covers 71 percent of Earth surface!

Therefore, it would be appropriate to use some from these water areas for aquaculture. 

Norwegian Sea, Sotra, Norway. Picture: Dr. Oleksii Orlov

And main part of all Earth water - 96,5% it is a salt water! And only 3.5% it is a fresh water!

By this reason the potential for expansion of marine aquaculture is much greater. And the fewer food miles a sea food travels from the ocean to the dinner table, the better! As well as natural conditions conducive to seafood production are very important. Especially important the influence of those natural factors that cannot be controlled.

Thus, we can place the farm both on land and at sea. But what will give the best return on investment?

Recently, due to the lack of good storm-protected locations for placing farms, other trends have emerged in the development of the industry - placement of aquaculture farms in the open sea - offshore and underwater placement, and placement on land - onshore.

Traditional onshore aquaculture is the farming of fish in lakes and rivers. In regions where there is a lot of sun and heat, the productivity of water resources is very high, the water warms up well, there is a lot of food for fish and the fish grow quickly and expenses for production are low. Like in this photo - a 2000 ha. fish farm in Ukraine. In the northern regions onshore waters, productivity is very low, as the water is cold and there is no food for fish. Therefore, RAS farms, where conditions can be controlled, are a good choice for the north. 
Photo: Petrykivskiy Rybhosp

Small farms around the world still compete successfully today and show sustainable development if they use family labor, are well located and have an adequate supply of cheap water. The photo shows an oyster farm. On such farms, almost everything is done by hand or with minimal mechanization. Such farms exist not only in Asia, but also in America and Europe.

Many small farms still provide a significant share of the world's shrimp and shellfish production. The photo shows shrimp farms in Indonesia. 
Photo source LIM Shrimp Organization

If natural circulation of water is ensured, without large expenditures of energy, then such a business can be very successful. As on this video - trout farm in Turkey.

But if the costs of pumping water are high, then such a business is usually unprofitable. This principle applies to businesses of any size - from small farms to large, modern RAS plants and marine farms.

Video source Bay Avci

Thus low production costs are very important. The aquaculture business must be set up so that it can operate sustainably for many years.

Proper placement and low energy costs are very important for high profits in aquaculture. As in this photo - a trout farm in Turkey. Water circulates naturally. Costs for pumping water are minimal or non-existent. What about additional energy production? Photo source: Özpekler

The larger the business, the greater the risks will be.
But the better you think through and model the business before it starts, the less risks there will be.
This is especially true for innovations in aquaculture - projects that no one has ever done before.

Another direction of onshore aquaculture is large industrial farms. This is a farm in Saudi Arabia located in sandy desert. This is one of the world's largest onshore farms. It produces sea shrimp and barramundi fish. This farm has a feed plant, water aeration and even has its own seawater desalination plant! This farm is well designed, but requires higher operational costs and additional high investments! Photo source NAQUA

Is aquaculture on land always easier than in the sea? Are the costs of producing fish always lower? Do large farms have advantages? These questions are not always easy to answer.

Theoretically if farm located near water source, price for water must be chipper. And if climate is hot, productivity must be higher. But it is not always right.

Onshore farms are usually built near water, by the coast or in floodplains. It seems the water is nearby and there is a lot of water. But it's not that simple. What kind of soil? Sand and infiltration? Stones and rocks? What will be the volume of excavation work? Strengthening the coast and dams? Is it need to pump water? What will the capital investment be? What will the operating costs be? How much money and labor is needed for everything to work well and make a profit?

Not everything is always good. The photo shows a grandiose aquaculture project in Egypt, which was built and designed by Chinese companies with Chinese loans. Huge investment and the project is not working well. Operating costs are very high. Water does not flow to the right place. Water evaporates and have strong salinity. Water goes into the sand. Desalination plant? A lot of electricity is needed. Significant wind erosion - strong winds and sand blow in checks and channels - always needed a lot of money for excavation and dredging works. Is the price of fish and shrimp not so high? Will this project pay off? Most likely no. Is it more acceptable to invest money better? Photo source Google Maps

Traditional sea aquaculture is the cultivation of fish or shellfish in coastal areas - in bays, lagoons and fjords, that is, in places that are protected from destruction by strong storms. And the water circulates free.

Picture: Dr. Oleksii Orlov

When placed on land, closed (indoor) automated aquafarm plants using RAS (Recirculating Aquaculture Systems) technology, which implies full automation of the water recycling system and removal of waste from aquatic organisms, receive advantages.

Good RAS systems provide enormous advantages to their owners compared to traditional aquaculture.

Automated RAS farm. This is a land-based aqua farm for trout farming. Such farms are called RAS, or having a closed automated system for water circulation and waste removal. Photo source Kruger Kaldnes

Aquacultural farms for production of various fish or seafood can be built even in the desert near sea

RAS aquafarms can be built in very cold climates or in mountains or rocky terrain - where traditional farming is not possible. On the photo - modern RAS farm Project in the mountains of Norway. Photo source Hima Seafood. It is a land-based trout facility that started building in august 2024. It will be based in Rjukan, Norway and is expected to produce 150 t. of head-on-gutted (“HOG”) trout a week, or around 8,000 t. per year

An interesting project from Giante Salmon in RødøyThe farm is located on land, near the sea. This farm is a flow-through facility that combines of conventional sea-based and land-based salmon farming. 

What are the advantages and opportunities provided by the use of RAS systems for the production of fish and crustaceans?

Photo source: Gigante Salmon

  • Full automation of feeding and production in general
  • Lowest risks compared to production in open water
  • Lowest production costs
  • Independence from weather conditions - controlled climate and water temperature, ability to work in winter and in extreme heat
  • It is possible to successfully grow genetically modified breeds, without the threat of such species entering natural ecosystems
  • Proximity of sales markets
  • Possibility of producing additional products from waste, such as fertilizers
  • Others advantages...

These are the main reasons for development of RAS aquaculture, that are as strong stimulus for investments in this direction.

Trout grown in a modern automated RAS hatchery using Kaldnes technology. Photo source Helgeland Smolt 

Another direction of aquaculture development it is offshore farming.

Moving fish farms to the open sea can limit their impact on coastal ecosystems, improve waste and wastewater dispersion, and reduce the risk of diseases for farmed fish.

This ship is an offshore aquafarm «Jostein Albert» from NORDLAKS. This farm is working good. But it was made in China... Do China and Russia have increased risks and sanctions? What is the production cost of fish and come back period for investments? Is it this economic data are competitive? Does this business have a competitive advantage? Where is this ship going? Will a fleet of such ships be created? Innovation is very positive, but many questions require answers. But overall, the idea and solution are great and it’s positive! It is planned to create a new optimized version Havfarm 2 (NSK H2 Havfarm Dynamic) with an engine for changing of location in storm. Photo source NORDLAKS 

However, new technological solutions are needed to overcome the challenges associated with offshore aquafarms: ice and snow, long distances, rough seas, predators and dangerous diving conditions...

And offshore farming need energy also...

The same question as in oil and gas industry...

North Sea oil platform in huge waves. Video captured by James Eaton by Lomond Platform in North Sea. Video source: BBC News

Aquaculture and wind energy are highly compatible offshore businesses. The cages can be placed separately or combined with wind turbine supports. But one thing is important - you can reduce logistics and service costs. Although management is becoming more complicated and requires new people. But this direction is the future!

Wind farms and oil platforms are also compatible businesses. But what about using ready-made infrastructure for aquaculture? Photo source: Equior. Photo: Ole Jørgen Bratland

Solar farms and aquaculture? Solar farms and agriculture are not compatible things. And can using only in limited conditions in regions where there is a lot of sun, - where plants need to be shaded from the sun. Solar panels take away the sun and photosynthesis in plants is disrupted, so you won’t get a good yield from plants. By this reason farmers are placing solar power plants on poor and unused land. But how does this affect to aquaculture? The photo shows a successful symbiosis of fish and shrimp farming with solar energy in Taiwan. Photo source LTN

Equinor together with Moss Maritime test an offshore floating solar power plant for the Norwegian Sea, east of Frøya in Trondheim. But what about to made it together with aquaculture? How to protect solar panels from storms and seagulls? There is more water on the planet than land and this is can be profitable. This direction also is perspective. Photo source: Moss Maritime

Floating solar power plant from Inseanergy already working in Norway aquaculture.

Photo source: Inseanergy

AKVA Group in collaboration with with Inseanergy and Kvernaland Energi will use solar power in aquaculture.

Picture source: AKVA Group

This scheme works well when green energy (wind or hydrois self-produced on a farm and used to grow fish, and either biogas or fertilizers are produced from waste. Picture: Dr. Oleksii Orlov

Any large plant requires a lot of energy. And providing cheap energy is a key point of business success. If the fish production plant is large, then it is very good to invest in your own green power. Also, own green electricity is the only solution when site located on islands, offshore or in the mountains. Photo source: The Kingfish Company

Concepts for new aquafarms

New fish cages and farm structures are needed to allow aquaculture to move further offshore, accommodate new automation technologies, and reduce the likelihood of fish escaping from the cages.

Cage systems tend to become larger, resulting in mega-aquafarms with highly automated production processes.

The main goal of using innovations is to make fish cages more resistant to marine conditions, predators, algae and mollusk fouling, and easier to dispose of.

Open cages are actively developing, there are many interesting innovations and promising projects.

Special automated platform cages designed for raising fish in the open sea. The Aker Solutions Ocean Cage. Such systems are resistant to storms, can be used in arctic conditions and are created using the latest achievements of technical thought

Previous model of this type of cages was used in Arctic Offshore Farming Project and given a good results. Arctic Offshore Farming is now owned by SalMar Aker Ocean. SalMar Aker Ocean has also created a new company, Maricultural, for operation in the Norwegian Sea. New technologies make it possible to produce salmon in regions that were previously inaccessible. Photo source: Arctic Offshore Farming   

An interesting solution is to place cages under water surface. For example submersible cage from SUB-FARM. This cages is possible use in fjords and in the open ocean...

Maine advantage of submersible cage it is a possibility to locate it offshore or in fjords. Such cages must withstand to ice and strong currents and storms. They should also be more autonomous than aquafarms in fjords. Since in the wild northern sea there can be very few quiet days. Picture source: SUBFARM

Large-scale Open Water Aquaculture System from NIPPON STEEL ENGINEERING. An interesting project from Japan. The system consists of large floating / sinking fish cages and a platform. The fish cages are very large. The platform is being tested near Sakaiminato.

Atlantis subsea project from AKVA GROUP. In salmon production the situation with submersible cages is not so simple. This system is designed for salmon farming and takes into account salmon biology. Salmon need to regularly fill their swim bladder with air, and this must be done without raising the cage to the surface. Therefore, this cage has an artificial air pocket. This cell is currently being tested.

Wave-resistant water feed barge for offshore farming from AKVA GROUP already using in sea. This give possibility to operate in strong conditions of Norwegian Sea

Ocean Farm 1 from SalMar Aker Ocean. This structure was build in China in 2018 and was worked in Norway. Several salmon harvests were collected. The capital investments were very high, and accordingly the payback period for the project is very long. But overall, the experiment can be considered as successful. Based on the information received, the next generation was developed - SalMar Smart Fish Farm. Picture source: SalMar

SalMar Smart Fish Farm. This Ocean Farm 2 is a new concept for ocean farming and this structure can withstand a 100-year storm! This facility is twice the size of Ocean Farm 1 and has a capacity of 3 million fish. This type of farm needed also and new generation of well boats (brønnbåter)Picture source: SalMar

There are many interesting fish farm projects. Many of them will be implemented in one form or another. Some work, but face challenges of commercialization and scaling.

Eidsfjord Giant from Holmøy Maritime is closed farm concept that 270 m long, total volume of 69 th.m3.

FjordMAX Project from NSK. A simple big farm ready for implementation from the same design bureau that that designed probably the world's most famous aqua farm ship project Havfarmen "Jostein Albert" for Nordlaks.

Ocean Ark self moving farm from Ocean Arks Tech and OCEAN SOVEREIGN. Designed for offshore operations and able to move autonomously.

Closed fish farm from MMC

China's 100000 t. fish farming ship Guoxin-1 already in sea. Created by CSSC (Hong Kong) for yellow croaker farming. Photo source: CCTV

FISHFARMING INNOVATION closed concrete tank concept for sea aquaculture

Stadion Basin Projekt for sea farming from Framo and Lingalaks

Closed marine systems are interesting and being tested. But so far, the cost of salmon production in them cannot compete with traditional salmon production in open cages, since the higher energy costs and much longer payback period for capital investments.

Egget® is a closed fish cage systems that can be successfully integrated into existing aqua farms. Such enclosed keeping of fish has a number of advantages - it prevents fish from escaping and being protected from predators, and fully automates feeding and catching fish (Hauge Aqua). This cage already constructed and used

Video source: Bluegreen Group

Marine Donut Project

Marine Donut was created by the company and using in SalMar. Marine Donut is an enclosed donut-shaped cage. Marine Donut is designed to withstand strong waves and currents. It also inhibits the development of sea lice and is suitable for growing salmon and trout in cold waters and yellowtail kingfish in the tropics.

Marine Donut cage already using and testing in salmon production in SalMar. Salmon weighing 2,5 kg were launched in may 2024. Photo source Bluegreen Group

Hydra is planned to begin testing by Nordlaks at sea in 2024. Protect fish from salmon lice. There is a water replacement and supply system inside the tank. Integrated feeding and processing systems for dead fish. External assistance may be required when obtaining feed, equipment, removing fish, emptying silos, etc. Hydra will be connected to shore power but will have backup diesel generators. An ROV will be used for post-season cleanup.

In addition, new closed systems are being developed that can be located in the open ocean, but at the same time tightly control water exchange to reduce the risk of disease and fish escapes...

Despite all the concepts, the greatest profits are now provided only by traditional open systems and indoor farming (RAS). Traditional open cages popular since operating costs and capital investments in creation are minimal.

Closed marine systems require both high initial capital costs and also high operating costs and a lot of electricity to create the flow of water and enrich it with oxygen, remove residues, etc. But give possibility to control many factors that affected to fish. 

The second, profitable option is RAS factories, but only if the costs of electricity and water pumping are minimal. Good ideas are combination RAS with wind and water electricity generation.

Higher electricity prices have hit this RAS business hard. The plants have very high capital investments, but thanks to fully controlled conditions, they allow very high productivity. Significant more highest than open cages. But RAS system give excellent possibilities for control all fish life affected factors and give maximal yield. 

Open systems and RAS farming - this two directions are main now.

And aquaculture looking for the best innovations and solutions for the future!

Picture: Dr. Oleksii Orlov

Genetics does not stand aside

Modern genetics makes it possible to develop new varieties of fish, specifically designed for breeding in artificial conditions - on aqua farms, and also makes it possible to improve existing fish breeds.

For example, the growth rate of Atlantic salmon, which is farmed in Norway, the USA, Canada, Chile, Scotland, Iceland, and New Zealand, has already significantly improved compared to wild fish as a result of traditional breeding practices - and is three years (36 months).

And modern GM salmon grows to a size acceptable to the market in 16-18 months, and not after three years - since it grows all year round, and not like regular salmon - only in the warm months of the year.

Modern advances in aquaculture would not be possible without genetics. Thanks to advances in genetics, breeders are creating more productive fish breeds, with improved feed absorption, as well as more resistant to diseases and pests, with faster growth and better meat quality. In the background of the photo, a new breed of Atlantic salmon - “AquAdvantage”, bred by scientists from Canada and the USA (AquaBounty) in the foreground - common Atlantic salmon. Photo source AquaBounty Technologies

In the USA, genetically modified salmon has already on the market since 2021. The experimental farms for the production of GM salmon has been operating for a long time and the experiment can be called as successful. But despite the expansion, the business cannot be called large-scale. But the application for marine production was not approved. Now genetically modified salmon can be raised on RAS farms and is approved for consumption in the US, Canada and Brazil.

Breeders have developed a large number of more productive breeds of fish and other aquatic organisms for aquaculture: salmon, char, trout and lumpfish for growing in cages, genetically modified salmon for growing in RAS hatcheries, flounder and halibut, cobia, tilapia of various colors, various species catfish and eels, sea bass, dorado, scaleless carp, shrimp, lobsters, crayfish, frogs, oysters, mussels and other shellfish, etc.

Other species

Other fish species can be successfully bred. But in some cases, production is more expensive than catching in the sea.

Technologies for kingfish, halibut, sole, turbot, cod, flounder, lobsters, sturgeon, saithe, pollack and haddock are well-developed. There is demand. But the key issue is that the cost price and supply price is quite high.

Atlantic cod farming possible but question in mastabas of business and cost price. Now in Norway present some farms that breeding cod: Norcod and Ode. On photo 5ht generation of cod by National cod breeding program.

Photo: Lars Åke Andersen © Nofima.

Atlantic halibut farms are in Norway. It is a tasty fish.

Photo source Sterling

Rise of the Machines

Today, marine aquaculture operations rely on manual labor and careful human supervision, including risky and very expensive cage dives, underwater inspection, repairs, cleaning and harvesting.

Full automation promises to make such operations more efficient and controlled, and to make farming viable on the high seas or in stormy or other challenging weather conditions. Currently, ROVs are tasked with monitoring and reporting the condition, size and quantity of fish.

Robotic drones can inspect and repair nets to prevent fish escapes and losses, and remove dead fish and excrement, thereby managing waste. Likewise, automated robotic feeders, which provide higher growth rates and feeding efficiency, are increasingly being used in all types of aquaculture operations.

There are also already drone ships that provide quite obvious advantages.

Ocean Infinity Robotic vessel  from an from US-UK company. Expects these ships are expected to be able to operate with minimal or no personnel at sea, as well as run on environmentally friendly fuels such as ammonia. Its use significantly reduces the risks for personnel at sea and reduces the cost of operating the vessel. Photo source Ocean Infinity

Even the use of simple underwater drones significantly reduces the costs of underwater inspection of aqua farms, allows pests to be identified, and can operate in storms and in very cold water (Blueye Underwater Drone)

What are the advantages of using underwater robotic drones?

  • With an underwater drone, you can quickly and easily see what's happening below the surface of the water.
  • Lowest risks compared to diving.
  • Drones are portable, have simple control and operation - you can launch it into the water, and in a few minutes you can made underwater control. This gives you the ability to make better decisions, improve planning and reduce unnecessary repair costs.
  • Inspection of the underwater part of the cages and the quality of the mooring is greatly simplified. Easy and fast deployment and launch of the drone.
  • In some areas of the world and in some situations, it is not possible to quickly organize and get a dive team on the site - this may take several days or weeks :-). And with an underwater drone, such checks can be performed immediately. This is especially important for remote aquafarms and when working in arctic or cold water.
  • The cost of one drone is almost equal to the cost of one visit of one team of divers, and the drone can be operated by a crew with minimal training - minimal operator training and maintenance required.
  • Auto Depth and Auto Direction features make it easy to maintain focus. Full HD camera and easy video recording. Possibility of online video streaming for remote viewers (requires 4G network and streaming equipment).
  • Most aqua farms usually already have fixed equipment and sensors that installed for underwater. For example the surveillance using cameras, but an underwater drone will give access to areas that are inaccessible to cameras. The combination of stationary cameras and an underwater drone will give the most complete video of the situation.
  • In case of any unexpected incident on the farm, it is necessary to quickly obtain a clear picture of the situation before making any decisions. There are many situations where it is important to know that something has happened to the fish farming infrastructure below the surface of the water, usually after severe storms or after regular maintenance work carried out by service vessels. Due to the high cost of divers and external ROV operators, necessary checks may be ignored or delayed by the farmer, significantly increasing risks. With an underwater drone, inspections can be carried out on-site and in any situation - keeping aquafarm assets in a safe environment.
  • Others advantages...

Using underwater drones provides many benefits and simplifies the management of an aqua farm. On this photo Blueye Underwater Drone

Video source: AKVA Group

Net cleaner robot from AKVA in Action. This improves the flow of fresh water and oxygen supply to the fish, which is important for fish health.

Underwater laser battles

Can a laser be used underwater? Science fiction has become reality and underwater lasers are high-tech systems with elements of artificial intelligence that fully automatically scan passing fish and destroy parasites attached to the fish using a laser. This system work successfully now. Photo source STINGRAY

The use of underwater lasers sounds like science fantastic, but this is the reality of modern aquaculture. Lasers are a very effective method of destroying parasites on fish, without causing damage or stress to the fish itself. Video: Tone Rasmussen. Video source: STINGRAY 

Underwater lasers are used for control of parasites that cause very significant harm (salmon sea lice).

Traditionally, this problem has usually been controlled by catching all fish from the cage and manually removing parasites or using chemical treatments with pharmaceuticals.

Removing salmon parasites using lasers allows the fish to swim in their natural habitat without experiencing any stress.

This means: no chemical treatments, no starvation of fish, which usually occurs after traditional control methods, no crowding, mechanical damage and stress of fish, no damage to fish or the environment, no death of fish after treatment.

The fish maintains high weight gain and provides high profits to farmers.

Fish farmers avoid labor-intensive and wasteful operations, save on labor and manual costs, and experience fewer wasted days feeding fish, resulting in greater weight gain per unit of feed used.

Also no less interesting is the use of cavitation technologies (AFS) in the aquaculture business to combat parasites - usually autonomous cavitation emitters are used, controlled by a powerful computer system and equipped with remote control. But no information about the scale of use.

Aquaponics is a new step in food production?

Aquaponics it is production system that couples aquaculture and hydroponics (cultivation of plants in water).

Aquaponics offers combined solutions - the joint cultivation of fish and various agricultural plants, that roots can growing in water such as lettuce.

At the same time, fish waste is used as nutrition for plants. Which gives mutual benefit.

 The history of aquaponics goes back more than 1000 years. A long time ago, people began to grow fish in rice paddies. This practice successful and continues to this day!

Chinese farmer Xu Guanhong with "Qingtian rice fish" (a type of golden carp). This farmer harvests 7.2 t/ha of rice and 440 kg/ha of fish

Photo source: CHINA TODAY

Rice fish (a type of carp) in rice paddies in China, in the mountain village of Zhou'ao. In China, rice-fish farming began more than 1300 years ago!

Photo source: CHINA TODAY

Rice and tilapia fish in aquaculture in a rice field, Yogyakarta, Java. The fish eat pests and enrich the water with nutrients, and the fish find shelter in the shade of plants. 

Picture source: By Kembangraps, WikipediaCC BY-SA 4.0

Scheme of Rice - Fish Farming System in South Korea. Most often, the following fish are bred in aquaponics: carp, koi carp, red carp, golden carp, tilapia, сhinese carp (Hypophthalmichthys molitrix), catfish, eel, crucian carp (Carassius), tench (Tinca tinca), etc. 

Picture: MDPI, Author: Sangchoul Yi

Aquaponics farm from Bomgroup for Superior Fresh farm in USA. This farm produce salmon and organic greens.

Picture source: Bomgroup

What about indoor farming and aquaponics? There are not many large and successful greenhouses, but they do exist. For example - modern indoor aquaponics salmon - organic greens farm in USA.

Picture source: Google Maps

In indoor indoor aquaponics growing good only that agricultural cultures that like water. For example green leaf vegetables, salad, tobacco seedlings and not so many another plants. Salad by floating system in Revolution Farms.

Picture source: WGVU

What about the combination of fish farming and growing other crops? Organic tomatoes or medical cannabis? For factory farms, the technologies don't fit together. But on small farms, watering with dirty water from keeping fish is quite possible.

Aquaponics has recently served as one of the leading areas of organic startups related to indoor farming, aquaculture and greenhouse business. The mass spread of classical aquaponics is limited by the market for green vegetables.

Aquaponics production giving the organically and clean products. The most adapted to such joint cultivation are various types of green leaf vegetables, salads, as well as types of fish that can withstand heavy organic pollution and do not require large amounts of oxygen - crucian carp, tilapia, carp, catfish.

And what about seaweed production combined with fish farming? What about indoor seaweed production? Yes, all this production solutions are present now and worked.

Breeding of marine plants (seaweed) and microscopic algae

Seaweed is considered a valuable product with a high content of valuable substances and microelements that contribute to active longevity. In Norway, various seaweeds are a traditional sea food.

Seaweed grows much faster than fish and the return on investment is shorter. They complement the farming of fish, shellfish and crustaceans.

Seaweed production by traditional sea aqua farms makes it possible to earn additional profit for aquaculture business.

Growing algae allows to obtain large amounts of biomass.

Traditional cultivation of seaweed (kelp) in Norway. Photo source: Seaweed Solutions

Norway produces high-quality seaweed seedlings. Most popular two species:
Alaria esculenta
Saccharina latissima

Seaweed seedlings. Picture source: Seaweed Solutions

kelp seedlings from seaweed solutions

Most seaweed producers either dry it or process it completely by industrial plants. Asia has a large market for fresh or minimally processed seaweed.

Industrial seaweed farming in cold water is a new trend in global aquaculture. Photo Arne Duinker. Photo source Arctic Seaweed

When seaweed placed downstream after fish cages or after other aquatic organisms, they use waste from their life as fertilizer for their growth and development.

Good and interesting project is Ocean Forest from Lerøy Seafood. In this project using native for Norwegian Sea algae species. Ocean Forest's goal is to significantly increase food production from the sea by harvesting species that are lower in the food chain (sea grass and shellfish). Nutrients from fish growth are used to produce algae. At the same time, it is possible to produce algae or shellfish without the need to add more feed or fertilizer and still keep the seas clean.

Acadian Seaplants farm produce algae in Canada. Farms located on the land also produce algae successful. Photo source: Google Maps

New direction - RAS seaweed indoor farming, that can add to traditional RAS fish farming. This photo show the Ras seaweed production from Freshbydesign in greenhouse of the University of Waikato, New Zealand

Seaweed is a biomass with great using potential:

· food
· in bioenergy
· feeding in agriculture and aquaculture
· bioactive compounds
· high value chemicals
· chemical building blocks
· fertilizers
· others directions of using...

Video source Cascadia Seaweed

Another and interesting direction is the production of microscopic algae. The technologies have already been established and it’s only a matter of scaling of the business. Two popular microscopic algae are Spirulina and Chlorella.

Spirulina (Arthrospira platensis and Arthrospira maxima). This is blue-green microscopic algae (cyanobacteria). On photo - Arthrospira platensis.

Photo source: Science Learning Hub

Spirulina onshore industrial farming very good for sunny and warm climate. On the photo Cyanotech farm on the Kona Coast, Hawaii.

Proto source: Cyanotech 

Chlorella is single-celled green algae. Chlorella requiring only carbon dioxide, water, enough sunlight, and a some amount of minerals to life.

Photo source: Wikipedia

Chlorella popular micro algaу that have well developed technology for industrial production. On photo - onshore open Greater Whitsunday Algae chlorella farm.

Proto source: BioGenesis Natural Australia 

Chlorella farming well developed and present many industrial farms. On the photo - Allma farm in Portugal.

Proto source: Allma 

Chlorella indoor farming.

Proto source: Bertrand 

The development of large scale microscopic algae production is hampered by limited sales. Competition from traditional fish feed ingredients is still very strong.

But this industry give possibility to produce enough protein for all aquaculture industry and looks to the future with confidence!

Protein for fish feeding and precision feeding

Fish feed can account for up to 60-70% of the total operating costs of fish production. And the most expensive component in fish feed is protein.

If food of plant origin is sufficient for herbivorous fish, then for salmon and other marine fish the food must contain omega fatty acids. For example from fish or krill meal.

Antarctic krill meal vide used in Norway and around world. Krill meal good and popular fish feed ingredient. Aker BioMarine supply krill ingredients for nutrition. Photo source Qrill Aqua

Another popular and competitive protein components for fish food are defatted soy flour and corn gluten. Also wide used any meal after oil extraction of oil seeds agricultural crops: canola / oil rape, sunflower, etc.

Soybean meal is popular feeding ingredient and contain 49% protein. Soybean meal is produced as a product after soybean chemical oil extraction. It is popular component for feeder.

Photo source Wikipedia

Corn gluten meal containing 60-70% of protein. And using wide as feeder component.

Photo source Agrifeeds

Less common feeds include spirulina meal, chlorella meal, zooplankton meal, yeast protein, insect meal, and other plant and animal protein sources. Technologies for mass production of these components are well developed.

Chlorella powder containing 40-60% protein.

In the production of feed, spirulina powder containing 51-71% protein is used.

Photo source Cyanotech

Yeast protein is extracted from the fermentation of yeast – Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Yeast protein powder containing 80% of protein.

Photo source NURA

Insect meal containing 70% protein.

Photo source Entomobio (Mealworms meal)

But for now alternative feed ingridients will lose out to the competition and are not produced as massively as soy protein and fishmeal.

Plankton meal (not krill) from plankton caught in the sea is used, but occupies a small market niche. Fishermen do not fulfill their annual catch quotas.

Insect meal production is not cheap, since insect feed / substrate is not cheap. When growing earthworms, there is competition with mushroom farmers, who also need manure. And the substrate for the production of mealworms can also be used to feed poultry and other animals. Therefore, it is expensive.

A promising direction is growing insects on green feed / grass substrate.

And also growing plankton (daphnia, brine shrimp, etc.), as well as herbivorous fish (сhinese carp, grass carp), to obtain fish meal and feed ingredients. For plankton and plant fish, the technologies have been worked out, but not mass-used. Since now it is more profitable to sell fish, and not to make fish meal from grown fish.

Another direction is more rational use of feed - precision feeding. This give possibility to made more profit from each kilos of fish feed.

Precision robotic feeding of tilapia on an aqua farm using an Arvo-Tec Robotic Feeder. Photo source Avro Tec

Feeding robots, combined with remote control, a specially designed user interface and aquafarm control command posts, provide support in making important decisions and provide very tangible benefits, since feeding costs are the most expensive part of aquaculture production.

Sensors, digitalization and artificial intelligence

Sensors, satellites, aerial drones monitoring, automatic biometrics are widespread in agriculture for plant growing and poultry farming. But what situation in aquaculture?

Automated systems, combined with sensor technologies and robotics, computer vision and artificial intelligence (AI), offer very good opportunities for biometrics, pests management and for simplify of aquaculture management.

Monitoring of environmental parameters using various sensors allows to continuously optimize growth and feeding conditions, as well as more timely take corrective measures in case of detection of injuries or diseases in fish.

Integration with AI expands their application, and single-species fish farms (such as salmon or trout) are an ideal place to apply AI to establish the technology's position in the seafood industry.

VAKI Biomass Daily is a sensor and data analysis system that makes it possible to determine the biomass of fish in cages, that is, it allows you to accurately determine the weight of the fish

The Aquaculture Biomass Monitor (ABM) is a fully automated echo sounder system for measuring biomass in aquaculture. Picture source OPTIMAR

ABM collects data for analysis and presents it in an understandable way. This helps simplify management: improve feeding efficiency, determine fish weight, monitor behavior and vertical stratification, and provide analysis of daily biomass growth. Picture source OPTIMAR

Aquabyte aquaculture management control soft

Aquabyte aquaculture management control soft. This AI system receives and processes biometric data from cameras and sensors and allows you to see the picture for each individual cage and for the farm as a whole. This makes it easier to detect salmon lice and control the yield and quickly make management decisions. Picture source Aquabyte

For fish monitoring in cages, their activity and well-being, various systems are used: echo sounders, sonars and acoustic telemetry, micro chips integrated into the fish - tags with accelerometers and depth sensors and acoustic modems for data transmission.

Almost every modern farm uses underwater video cameras to monitor fish behavior. Modern sensors help collect biometric data, such as the speed of the fish, help detect wounds and damage, as well as diseases.

Platforms for simple and convenient Smart Management

Digital platforms simplify aquaculture management and allow to quickly monitor the situation online. It's simple and convenient. For example, in the AKVA digital platform, you can use both traditional monitors and your mobile phone.

What is future of aquaculture?

There is no illusions that the future of aquaculture is directly related to innovations, as it is a more profitable and more difficult business compared to traditional agriculture.

It is not for nothing that this business began to develop only when the level of technological development and genetics achieved certain successes.

Aquaculture - thanks to Norway, this is an already established and actively developing brand, but the markets here have not yet been developed, and the prospects are truly unlimited!

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